Anne Marie's Australian Adventure

Follow the Adventures of Anne Marie, Fergus, Cooper and Bean Sidhe in Australia!!

Archive for September, 2009

Flower Beds and Fences

Posted by Anne Marie Serrano on September 24, 2009

I continued to work on the flower beds I created from the torn down chicken shed. I fenced it in and planted some spring bulbs and fall pansies. Two of the beds on the right are vacant and I will plant some shade flowers in the spring. The dark spots without mulch still need some tall growing bulbs.

The old chicken shed/new flower bed.

The old chicken shed/new flower bed.

Pansies for fall - bulbs for the spring.

Pansies for fall - bulbs for the spring.

We are going to Australia next week for Fergus’ interview with the Australian College of Emergency Physicians. They told him that it could be as long as three months before they can tell him their decision. We decided to bring the dogs back to Kansas since it might be three months and no telling how long the immigration process may take. It is too much to ask BS and Cooper’s foster families to care for them any longer and we miss them too much to go for possibly another 6 months without them.

So I decided we need to fence the yard. They have lived in a fenced yard for over a year and 1/2. I worry about Cooper chasing cars down the driveway like he use to and getting hurt now that he is older and not as likely to recover from any injuries. I also worry with potential buyers coming to look at the house that he will be too aggressive towards strangers.

We put up a nice decorative fence at the driveway and an almost invisible wire fence around a large area of the back yard. I hope this will stop them from roaming too far from home once they return. No “walkabouts” allowed in Kansas.

Rod Iron fence near the driveway

Rod Iron fence near the driveway

The fence is almost invisible from the house.
The fence is almost invisible from the house.

The wire fence is attached to the five trees in a row in the background. I hope it will keep them safe. Of course they like to dig so we will have to make sure they don’t go under like in The Great Escape.

Posted in dogs, housing, travel | 3 Comments »

Weekend Project

Posted by Anne Marie Serrano on September 14, 2009

So I got an estimate from a local handyman to demolish an old chicken shed in the backyard. This shed hasn’t been used for a long time and it was in pretty bad shape. While we were in Australia the east wall finally fell down. It’s a nice haven for spiders and snakes.

Well after I got the estimate I figured,”No way, I can do this myself for just the cost of a Bobcat (which I am very experienced at using) and a few hours of my time.” It only took me all day Saturday and Sunday but I did it. I even pulled up a dead tree, pulled down dead hanging limbs, scraped the driveway and filled pot holes in the driveway. Money well spent on the Bobcat – I think I want one all of my own.

I left the bottom row of bricks. It will make a nice bed for flowers or veggies. I can get some chicken wire to keep the rabbits and other creatures out of the bed. I have been wanting to do this for years. I will feel it tomorrow, the concrete blocks didn’t scoop up easily into the Bobcat so I had to pick most of them up and put them in the bucket but at least I didn’t have to use a wheelbarrow to haul them away.

Here are some before and after pictures. Once I get the chicken wire up I will add more pictures. As you can see I torn up the lawn pretty good because the ground was still wet from all the rain we recently had but if I throw some seed down soon it will grow back fairly quickly.

Freddie, the cat came by a few times to check on my progress. He said, “Nice litter box you are making for me.”  Once the Bobcat was revved up again he was on is way back to the front porch.

Posted in photos | 2 Comments »

Two Car Garage

Posted by Anne Marie Serrano on September 9, 2009

Our garage actually can hold two cars. I know because I was finally able to put both of them in there. Most of the leftover garage sale items went to the auction house for last Saturday’s auction. And some of the garage shelves were picked up by the guy who bought them.  So there is room for the cars but not much room to open the doors.

When we get back from Fergus’ interview at the beginning of October I will know if I need to have a couple of more garage sales to get rid the things we have been using but won’t take with us: microwave, washer & dryer etc.

The leftover books were donated to the two local libraries for their fundraisers. The rest of the stuff in the garage are gardening items we still need to use and boxes of things we will be taking with us.

It feels good not to be hanging out in the garage on my weekends. Of course this weekend it rained so I spend most of the weekend indoors.

Posted in housing | 1 Comment »

Eggplant Dip Follow-up

Posted by Anne Marie Serrano on September 1, 2009

Several of you were curious enough to ask if the eggplant dip was a culinary success. It disturbs me deeply to say Fergus loved it, “One of the best things you’ve ever made.” Not saying much since the only things I’ve cooked that he likes is an occasional grilled steak and my masterpiece – Salmon with butter, lemon and caper sauce.

I’ll be happy to share that recipe: melt butter (any kind of butter even margarine works but not as tasty) and freshly squeezed  juice from two lemons in a pyrex measuring cup and MICROWAVE until the butter melts, scoop in some capers to your liking “we don’t need no stinking measuring spoons.”, Place salmon(fillets are better than steaks, less bones) in a pyrex baking dish and pour butter mixture over it, cover with plastic wrap and cook it in the MICROWAVE until cooked.  Total cooking time 10 minutes, clean up a total of 3 utensils  (knife to scoop out the butter, reused to stir in the capers, measuring cup and baking dish.

If you are feeling “gourmand” make some rice (in a rice cooker of course) and scoop some rice on a plate and slap the salmon steak next to it and…

“Bon Appetite”

Posted in food | 3 Comments »